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Enterprise and External Engagement 


  1. October 2024 – February 2025: Subject Matter Expert for PIARC’s Strategic Outsourced Tasks (SOTs): Key projects on road resilience and decarbonization. Client: PIARC (World Road Association).

  2. March 2022 – August 2023: Consultant and Technical Advisor (Disaster Resistant Infrastructure Design) for Design and Supervision of Reconstruction of Public Infrastructures in Cabo Delgado province, Mozambique in support of Post-Cyclone Idai Reconstruction Office (GREPOC). Client: The World Bank – through ARS Progetti, Italy.

  3. September 2021: Module Design and Contributor for Short Course on 'Earthquake Risk Assessment'. Client: Santam RE.

  4. December 2020 – December 2022: Consultant and Technical Lead (Structural Design) for Independent Monitoring & Verification of Health Infrastructure in Nepal (NHSSP III), Phase 2. Client: UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (formerly Department for International Development).

  5. September 2018 – July 2020: Consultant and Technical Lead (Structural Retrofit) for Independent Monitoring & Verification of Health Infrastructure in Nepal (NHSSP III), Phase 1. Client: UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (formerly Department for International Development).

  6. November 2018: Expert Reviewer for Site-Specific Design Earthquake Parameters for Ambedkar Memorial, Dadar (W), Mumbai Project Site, Maharashtra. Client: Department of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India – through Buro Happold Engineering, UK.

  7. May 2018 – October 2018: Consultant and Task Leader (Structural Vulnerability and Retrofit) for Multi-Hazard Risk Reduction Options for Metro Manila Public School Buildings in support of the Department of Education. Client: The World Bank – through Aires Ingegneria, Italy.

  8. April 2017 – March 2018: Consultant for MOVER - Multi-hazard Open Vulnerability platform for Evaluating Risk. Client: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), Challenge Fund.

  9. May 2017 – July 2017: Consultant and Task Leader (Structural Vulnerability) for Consulting Services for the Rapid Vulnerability Assessment and Prioritization for Seismic Risk Reduction of Infrastructures in the Province of Surigao Del Norte, Philippines. Client: The World Bank – through Aires Ingegneria, Italy.

  10. September 2015 – November 2016: Consultant and Technical Advisor (Seismic Hazard) for Building Urban Resilience to Disasters in the Kyrgyz Republic in support of the Kyrgyz Republic State Agency for Architecture, Construction and Communal Services (Gosstroi). Client: The World Bank – through ICF International, UK.

  11. December 2015 – May 2016: Consultant and Task Leader (Wind) for Assessment of the Multi-Hazard Vulnerability of Priority Cultural Heritage Structures in the Philippines in support of the Department of Tourism. Client: The World Bank – through ARS Progetti, Italy.

  12. January 2015 – June 2015: Consultant for Guidelines for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation of Hospital and Medical Facilities in Nepal. Client: UK Department for International Development.

  13. December 2014 – January 2015: Consultant for Guidelines for Global Multi-Risk Analysis Database for Insurance Industry. Client: Oasis LMF.

  14. 2012 – 2013 (@ AIR Worldwide): Model development for the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative, Phase IIII (PCRAFI3), Earthquake, Tsunami, and Tropical Cyclone Risk Assessment for 15 island countries in the Pacific. Client: The World Bank.

  15. 2012 – 2013 (@ AIR Worldwide): Model development for Flood and Earthquake Risk Assessment for Albania, Serbia and Macedonia in support of the Europa Reinsurance (EuropaRe) Facility Operations. Client: The World Bank.

  16. 2012 (@ AIR Worldwide): Consultants and field investigator in the Philippines for Earthquake and Typhoon Risk Assessment for the Cebu and Shenzhen Facilities. Client: Timex Group.


I am often requested to carry out Media activity following earthquakes and other natural-hazard events or structural failures, through which I highlight research, expertise and skills at UCL. Recent activity includes live television/radio interviews for Sky News, 5 News Channel 5, BBC News Channel, BBC World Service, France 24 TV, US National Public Radio, South Korean tbs eFM Primetime, Italian Radio Capital, and Italian Rai News 24, in addition to interviews for several international newspapers/magazines (e.g., Time magazine, The New York Times; The Guardian) discussing recent Italian and worldwide (Japan, Indonesia) earthquakes and tsunami (August and December 2016; October 2018).


Carmine Galasso's Research Group is part of
Disaster Engineering for ResIlient SoCieties Laboratory - DE|RISC Lab @ UCL
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