Carmine Galasso | PhD
Professor (Full) of Catastrophe Risk Engineering @ UCL
Visiting Professor @ UBC
​​University College London (UCL) | Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering | Chadwick Building GM14 | Gower St | WC1E 6BT London | UK
The University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver | Civil Engineering | Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CEME) Building 2208D | 6250 Applied Science Lane | V6T 1Z4 Vancouver | Canada
Welcome to the website for Carmine Galasso's research group!
I am a Professor of Catastrophe Risk Engineering in the University College London (UCL)'s Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), UK, and a Visiting Professor at The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, Canada, during my 12-month academic sabbatical from UCL. Before joining UCL, I worked as a Catastrophe Risk Modeler at Applied Insurance Research (AIR) Worldwide, San Francisco, USA, and as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Performance-based Earthquake Engineering Laboratory, at the University of California, Irvine, USA. I earned my PhD in Earthquake Risk at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy, in January 2011.
​My research focuses on developing and applying probabilistic and statistical methods and tools for catastrophe risk modeling and disaster risk reduction. I investigate risks to building portfolios and infrastructure exposed to multiple natural hazards, including earthquakes, strong wind, and flooding, with particular emphasis on community infrastructure (schools, hospitals, heritage assets) in developing countries.
I co-lead the DE|RISC Lab: Disaster Engineering for ResIlient SoCieties Laboratory at UCL with Dr Gemma Cremen and Dr Roberto Gentile, working at the intersection of civil engineering and other disciplines to facilitate multi-hazard risk- and resilience-informed decision-making for a better tomorrow’s world. Our ultimate goal is to provide society with a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable built environment.
​​Our research is funded by the UK Research and Innovation and its Research Councils, the European Commission, the British Council, the Chinese International Centre for Collaborative Research on Disaster Risk Reduction (ICCR-DRR), the China Scholarship Council (CSC), the (Mexican) Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), the World Bank and its Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the Motorola Solution Foundation, and the Willis Research Network, among others.
​We strive to create a lab that welcomes, supports, values, and includes people of diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives!
May 3, 2024: Carmine Galasso attended and gave two talks on ‘Engineering earthquake early warning’ and ‘Tomorrow’s Cities: An Interdisciplinary Decision Support Environment Delivering Risk-Sensitive Urban Planning for Expanding Cities in the Global South’ at the Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting 2024, in Anchorage, AK, USA.
April 26, 2024: Carmine Galasso visited Prof Jack Baker at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, and gave an invited talk on ‘Forward-looking Catastrophe Risk Modeling for Resilience: Recent Advances and Perspectives’ at the Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative (SURI). Carmine, Nicole Paul, and Prof Henry Burton (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) also participated in a career panel organized by the EERI-Stanford Student Chapter and SURI students.
April 3, 2024: Carmine Galasso and Nicole Paul hosted a workshop at UBC on ‘Household Displacement and Return in Disasters,’ with talks by Nicole Paul, Chenbo Wang (online), and Giulia Brutti from UCL. This was followed by an engaging discussion with Stephanie Chang, Sara Shneiderman, Carlos Molina Hutt, and members of the Engineering for Seismic Resilience Laboratory (ESR Lab; Kiranjot Kaur, Kristen Blowes, Amber Shen, Ehsan Ferdosi, Pouria Kourehpaz) at UBC.
April 1, 2024: Many congratulations to Leandro Iannacone on accepting a faculty position as an Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering, focusing on risk and reliability analysis of the built environment, at Lund University, Department of Building & Environmental Technology, Division of Structural Engineering, Sweden.
March 31, 2024: Carmine Galasso has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR), effective April 2024.
March 12, 2024: Carmine Galasso visited Prof Abbie Liel at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, and gave an invited talk on ‘Engineering Earthquake Early Warning Systems’ in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering.
February 8, 2024: Carmine Galasso gave an invited talk on 'Engineering Earthquake Early Warning' as part of the UBC Structural & Earthquake Engineering Seminar Series (CIVL 597-004) at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, Canada.
February 1, 2024: Carmine Galasso and Pouria Kourehpaz gave invited presentations at the 2024 NHERI Computational Symposium at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
January 24, 2024: Carmine Galasso gave an invited talk on 'Urban growth and social vulnerability in the Kathmandu Valley' at the University of British Columbia, Himalaya Program, Vancouver Campus, Canada.
January 8, 2024: Many congratulations to Carlos Mesta for receiving an Honorable Mention (Graduate Student Paper Prize) from the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), USA, for the paper ‘Quantifying the potential benefits of risk-mitigation strategies on present and future seismic losses in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal’ (by C. Mesta, G. Cremen, C. Galasso) published in Earthquake Spectra.
December 13, 2023: Carmine Galasso attended and gave two talks on ‘Towards next-generation impact-based earthquake early warning in Europe’ and ‘Tomorrow’s Cities: An Interdisciplinary Decision Support Environment Delivering Risk-Sensitive Urban Planning for Expanding Cities in the Global South’ at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023, in San Francisco, CA, USA.
December 3, 2023: Carmine Galasso gave a virtual keynote lecture on ‘Engineering Earthquake Early Warning’ at the 4th International Forum of the National Facility for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NFEES) on the Latest Development of Resilient Cities (IFNFEES04), Tianjin University, China.
December 1, 2023: Sang-ri Yi and Aakash Bangalore Satish (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Alex Taflanidis (University of Notre Dame, USA), and Carmine Galasso are organizing a mini-symposium on ‘Advances in Regional Hazard Modeling and Risk Assessment’ at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC 2024) - the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) premier annual mechanics conference hosted by The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, Illinois, on May 28-31, 2024. Submit your abstract online to our mini-symposium by January 20, 2024.
November 14, 2023: Many congratulations to Eyitayo Opabola (Tayo) on being awarded the 2024 Shah Family Innovation Prize by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI). Well done, Tayo!
November 10, 2023: Carmine Galasso visited Prof Alex Taflanidis and Prof Tracy Kijewski-Correa at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, USA, and gave an invited talk on ‘Forward-looking catastrophe risk modeling for resilience: recent advances and perspectives’ in the University of Notre Dame’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences.
November 3, 2023: Carmine Galasso visited Prof Katsu Goda at Western University, London, ON, Canada, and attended the 2023 Joint Norther Hail Project (NHP) - Center for Multi-hazard Risk and Resilience (CMRR) - and Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) Multi-Hazard Risk and Resilience Workshop, and the Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Buildings (CRIB) Fall Symposium. Carmine gave an invited talk on ‘Forward-looking catastrophe risk modeling for resilience: recent advances and perspectives’ in the ‘Quantitative Disaster Risk Assessments for Communities and Infrastructure’ session of the 2023 Joint NHP–CMRR-ICLR Multi-Hazard Risk and Resilience Workshop.
November 1, 2023: Many congratulations to our DE-RISC Lab members Eyitayo Opabola (Tayo) and Catalina González Dueñas on accepting faculty positions as Assistant Professors at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, and George Mason University, USA, respectively.
September 15, 2023: Carmine Galasso attended and gave a lightning talk at the Fall Workshop of UBC’s Disaster Resilience Research Network jointly with the newly launched Center for Disaster Resilient Communities at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
September 14, 2023: Several members of the research group attended, chaired sessions, and presented their research at the Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED) 2023 Conference: Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics for a Sustainable Future, hosted by the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, on September 13-14, 2023. Details associated with those presentations are available on the Research Outputs > Conference Proceedings/Abstracts page.
August 17, 2023: Carmine Galasso joined The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, as a Visiting Professor during his 12-month academic sabbatical from UCL. Carmine will be based in the Faculty of Applied Science, Department of Civil Engineering, and hosted by Prof Carlos Molina Hutt's Engineering for Seismic Resilience Laboratory (ESR Lab). Carmine has also joined the UBC's Disaster Resilience Research Network to undertake collaborative research and teaching at the intersection of hazard science, structural engineering, and social science.